Christiana Gaudet

Tarot Grandmaster

3559 Southwest Corporate Parkway Palm City, FL, 34990 United States

866-99TAROT 866-998-2768 (Toll Free) 561-655-1160 (Text or Call) 772-207-1852 (Palm City)

Tarot is a book of spiritual wisdom in picture form that tells the story of all human experience.

With tarot, we connect with Spirit to discern wise guidance for the present, develop understanding of the past, and learn ways to work to manifest our goals and possibilities for the future.

If you are interested in the tarot and other tools of divination please begin with my tarot news page!

Please leave this site if the practice of traditional methods of divination are not of interest to you.

Ten of Cups

It's not the castle that makes the king

Nor the depth of the love the size of the ring.

If we seek a home without sorrow and strife

We'll seek without finding, alone throughout life.

But when hearts are open and destiny's kind

There's a chance to connect- body, spirit and mind.

If we expect to be happy sad tales we will tell,

True happiness comes from the life we live well.